Browse & Choose
You could browse our product by clicking on the “NEW ARRIVALS” displayed on the top of the page to see our latest arrivals.
Once you have found the items you want to purchase and have chosen the size, the colour and the quantity you want, simply click “Add to Bag”. To view the items you have added, click on the “Shopping Bag” button at the top right corner of the page. You could aslo key in your coupon code if you have one. When you are ready to pay, just click “CHECKOUT

Fill In Your Details

Complete the billing and shipping form. This is the time when creating an account will come in handy, you don’t need to fill in your personal and shipping details everytime you make an order.


Choose Your Shipping and Payment Method

Choose your delivery courrier: AnterAja, SiCepat, JNT. Choose your payment method: Bank Transfer, Visa/Mastercard, GoPay/ShopeePay. Once you are done, simply click “COMPLETE ORDER” to complete the order.


Confirm Order and Payment

Confirming your payment is only necessary for those who pay with BCA Transfer. To confirm your payment, go to PAYMENT CONFIRMATION and fill in your the necessary details. You have to confirm your payment within 24 hours.


You Are Done

Now you just need to wait patiently until your parcel arrives. Don’t forget to share with us how you look in our products using #EverydayBeyoutiful.

Be Happy, Be Confident, Be You!


Successfully placed order will receive an e-mail confirmation with your oder details. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam filter or contact us for information. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.


Due to security reasons, our customer service team is unable to make any amendments after you have confirmed you order. This is also because our warehouse moves really fast in order to ship your package as soon as they are confirmed. Once payment is received, we cannot cancel your order as it has already been processed.